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                                          all machines OttoMatics Inc. 230 Brookfield Pl. Roswell, GA 30075 (678) 395-3831 Today   04/27/2020
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We were just offered a department of Schutte multi spindle machines, and were hoping you might be interested.  They look good,  and are running in a large US plant.
Schutte AF32 (1985)
Schutte Model AF32s Dnt, 8 Spindles  (New in 1999)
Schutte Automatic Type S51 Pc Series 3, 51 Mm Bar Rebuilt 2015
Schutte  S51 Pc Series 3, 51 Mm (New 2002)
Schutte  SF51 Series 66, 51 Mm Bar  (New 1999)
Schutte Model S51 PC (2003)
Schutte Model S32 PC,  W/ Pietro Cucchi Model 

Hope you are well,
The Otto's
John and Patti
AF26 Eight Spindle Very Good Condition
Photos S51PC

Photos S51PC

New Britain
Schutte Tornos

Single Spindle
Cammed Multi Spindle CNC Turning
Chip Processing All CNC Multi Spindle
CNC Swiss
Parts Washers Transfer Machines Transfer (tooling)
Our intention is to inform, not annoy. 
If you no longer run or have interest in Schutte's please let us know.
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