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- Chip Processing
- Barrett
- 1100E
- Chip Spinner
- 30"
- 1991
- Spindle Size: 30"
240/480 VoltsCarrier Style
Work Basket
Pan Diameter: 30"
Pan Depth: 14"
Pan Capacity: 4.5 cu ft
Maximum Loads Per Hour: 15
Maximum Allowable Load: 425 lb
Hourly Production Rate, Cu Ft 68
Hourly Producion Rate, Barrels 9
Running Speed: 900 rpm
Machine Height: 45"
Machine Height with Lid Open: 81-1/2"
Overall Diameter: 49"
Net Weight: 2680 lb
This Unit has the Electrical Panel, Timed Work Cycle & Dynamic Braking. Also holds the Lid Lock electrically until the machine comes to a complete stop.