I want to sell a machine like this
- Automatic
- Acme Gridley
- 2-5/8" RB8
- Multi Spindle Bar
- 8 Spindle
- 1967
Height to Top Of Motor 8' 1"Length 13' 2"
Weight 33,600 Lbs
Width 4' 4"
Collet Capacity Round 2 5/8"
Collet Capacity Hex 2 17/64"
Collet Capacity Sq. 1 27/32"
Idle Time 2.79 Seconds
Main Tool Slide Travel 8"
Spindle RPM if Stopper 851
Spindle Speeds 137-1160
Standard Main Motor HP 40
Stock Feed Out Max. 7"
Spindle Stopper
Cross Working 3rd
Cross Drilling 5th
Shelf Slide Pos 3
Universal Chip Conveyor
Universal Threading 5th
High Speed Drilling 4th
Master Collets
Drill Saddles
Double Deck Holders 1st & 8th
Recessing Pos. 4
Pusher Tubes