I want to sell a machine like this
- CNC Swiss
- Tornos
- Deco 26a
- Lathe - CNC
- 32mm
- 2000
- Number of Axis: Yes
- Live Tooling:
Maximum Ø Capacity up to 1.0 inch (26mm) / up to 1.25 inch (32mm)Part Length 9.5 inch (240mm)
Simultaneous Axes Contro 10
Tool Positions 21 (14 front, 7 back)
Axis Z1 Sliding Headstock (+C1 optional) 100-8,000rpm
Axis X1/Y1 & X2/Y2 Guide Bush 100-8,000rpm 16 x 16mm tool shank double
gangplate flexible combination of fixed or live tooling
Axis X4/Y4/Z4 (+C4 optional) Counter Spindle & Back Operation
100 - 6,000rpm 7 backworking operations, flexible combination of fixed
or live tooling Axis_EndUnit
100-6,000rpm 4 tools
Indexing 0.001° with optional full C-axis
Control Fanuc PNC-DECO
Programming TB-DECO
Simultaneous axes yes up to 12 axis simultaneous
machining up to 4 tools in the cut
Great machine, many options. Ready to go.
Low cutting hours
- 10 axis with TB Deco software, - 225-0102 Voltage
440/480 60 hertz, - 225-0916 C1 axis (0.1 degrees)
Milling function in polar coordinates, -
Adjusting of the clamping force
Drive Motorization S3, - 225-4015 Counter
spindle position stop
C4 axis (0.1 degrees), - 225-4100 Parts
ejector with pneumatic piston
Vert. Drive Motorization S5, - 225-4550
Horz. Drive Motorization S5
Socket for additional M functions, -
Coolant pump 20 bars
Synchronous revolving guide bush holder,
32mm capacity
Low turning tool holders, - (5)
High turning tool holders
Revolving drill/mill spindle unit (max.
50mm saw),
Polygon milling attachment
(8) End unit Unit Tool holder with 25mm
(2) Long revolving drill/mill spindle,
uses: ESX25 collets
Optical Tool presetter (Inch) - FMB 532
Automatic Magazine Bar load & feeder
Balance in full before shipment
AS IS - Where IS
NOTES The machine was installed new in March 2000
Serial # 1211
Hours: 40,000 powered On, 20,000 actual production