I want to sell a machine like this
- Automatic
- Acme Gridley
- 1-5/8" RB8
- Multi Spindle Bar
- 8 Spindle
Length 131 5/8"
Weight 31,700 Lbs
Width 48"
Collet Cap Square 1 9/64"
Collet Capacity Round 1 5/8"
Collet Capacity Hex 1 13/32"
End Toolslide Travel 8"
Idle Time 2.36
Spindle RPM if Stopper 1263
Spindle Speeds 163-1475
Standard Horsepower 40
Stock Feed 7"
Stock Feed: 10"
Rebuilt 1998
Stock Stand
Stock Reel With Silent Tubes
Eight (8) Collet Tubes And Pusher Tubes
Seven (7) Drill Saddles
Six (6) Cross Slides (Pos. 3 & 6 Pocket Style)
Cams And Gears As Mounted
One Piece Sliding Splash Guards
7th Position Accelerated Reaming Less Holder & Spindle
Universal Chip Conveyor
External Gusher Style Coolant Pump
Air Knock Out
Hand Crank Shaft
Push Button Controls Front And Rear
Main Drive Motor And Controls
Complete Electrics With Late Style Conduit
Condition: Excellent