Sold!Buy one like this
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- Transfer Machine
- Gnutti
- FMOR-18-130
- Trunnion Type
- 2003
GNUTTI FMOR-18-130 CNCCatalogue Specifications
Unit Center Dimension: 66.9"
Clamp Jaw Center to Spindle Unit Nose: 9.25"
Clamp Jaw Stroke: .47"
Frame Clearance: 21.6"
Quill Stroke: 5.18"
Quill Diameter: 4.3"
Turret Positions: 10
Spindle Taper: ISO 40
Voltage 480
Cycles- 60 HZ
Total Install Power - 230 KW
Station 1: Bar Feed
Station 2: 10 HP 400-1900 RPM
Station 3: 10 HP 400-1900 RPM
Station 4: 10 HP 400-1900 RPM
Station 5: 10 HP 302-2513 RPM
Station 6: 10 HP 302-2513 RPM
Station 7: 10 HP 302-2513 RPM
Station 8: 13.9 HP 82-1500 RPM
Station 9: 10 HP 302-2513 RPM
Station 10: Unload
Approximate Overall Dimensions:
Approximate Weight: 67100 Lbs
Gnutti CNC Control
Chip Conveyor
Gnutti 196" Bar Feeder
Gnutti Sinmatic OP17 CNC Bar Feed Control
Machine is currently setup for 1.625" Nuts