Sold!Buy one like this
I want to sell a machine like this
- Automatic
- Brown & Sharpe
- 2G
- Single Spindle Bar
- 1-1/4"
- 1955
- Spindle Size: 1 1/4"
Vertical SlideCover & Guards
Front & Rear Tool Posts
Motors & Electrical Controls
Speed & Feed Gears
Stock Tube and Stand
6 Hole Turret
Weight 3,600 Lbs.
Maximum Length Turned: 2"
Maximum Stock Diameter 1 1/4"
No. Speed Combinations 120
Ratio Hi/Low 1.6:1 to 9.1:1
Spindle Horsepower 5
Spindle Speeds 25-3025 RPM
Condition: Very Good
Voltage: 220/440/3/60 set to 220
Vertical Slide, Front andRear Slides, Speed
and Feed Gears, 6 Hole Turret,
Attachments: bar machine, burring
attachment, stock tube & stand, have
larger spindle also -think it's either
1 1/8" or 1 1/4", no tooling.