Sold!Buy one like this
I want to sell a machine like this
- Chip Processing
- Barrett
- 1100e
- Chip Spinner
- 30"
- 1981
- Spindle Size: 30"
Automatic BrakingTimed Work Cycle
Lifting Rig
Oil Tank
Chip Pan Capacity: 4.5 CU. Ft
Chip Pan Depth: 14"
Chip Pan Dia.: 30"
HP: 10
Hourly Production 68 CU.Ft.
Machine Dia: 40"
Max Loads Per hour: 15
Speed: 900 RPM
Weight 2530 Lbs.
Barrett Chip Spinner - (Good Used) Mach # 147
Model 1100-E
Mfg. 1981
Equipped with:
(5) Buckets
(1) Barrett Clarifuge with a 120 gallon capture tank. (for clarifying the coolant or oils)
(1) Holding Tank ( this was most likely used for clean oil storage after clarifying with the clarifuge and 120 gallon tank in pic's 56 & 60
Machine was reported to be in good running condition when taken from service.