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- CNC Machine
- Mori-Seiki
- ZT-2500Y
- Lathe - CNC
- 3"
- 2002
- Y Axis:
- Number of Axis: Yes
- Live Tooling:
MORI SEIKI ZT2500Y, FANUC, 10" Chk, 3", (2) TURRETS Y-AXISControl: Fanuc 18it
Max Turning Diameter: 14.96"
Maximum Turning Length: 14"
Max Dist Between Spindles: 51.18"
Spindle Inner Diameter: 3.48"
Max Bar Capacity: 2.87"
Spindle Nose: A2-8 Rt & Lft
Spindle Motor: 25 Horsepower Rt & Lft
Spindle Speeds: 4000 Rpm Rt & Lft
Turret Stations: 12 Station Rt & Lft
Y-Axis Milling: 6000 Rpm Both Turrets
Spindle Indexing: Full C Rt & Left
Equipped With:
(8) Y Axis Milling Holders
Additional M Codes
Graphical Tool Path
Fixed Drill And Tap Cycles
Manual Tool Presetter
Full "C" Axis Rt & Lft Turrets
Rt Side Chip Conveyor Hinge Type
Elps Barfeed