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- CNC Machine
- Gildemeister
- MF Twin 65 Mill-Turn
- Lathe - CNC
- 65mm
- 2005
- C Axis:
- Y Axis:
- Dual Spindles:
- Live Tooling:
Y axis one spindle but both spindles C axisWorking Area:
Clamp Diameter: 7.9"
Bar Diameter: 2.6"
Max. Distance Between Spindles: 31.5"
Slide Travel (X1, X2), Transverse: 7.5"/7.5"
Slide Travel (Z1, Z2) Longitudinal 21.8"/21.8"
Longitudinal Travel, Spindle 2: 23.6"
Workspindle 1:
Spindle Nose (Flat Nose): 170h5mm
Spindle Bore: 3.1"
Spindle Diameter In Front Bearing: 4.7"
Workspindle 2:
Spindle Nose (Flat Nose): 140h5mm
Spindle Bore: 2.2"
Spindle Diameter In Front Bearing: 3.5"
Main Drive 1 (Integral Spindle Motor):
Drive Output, Continuous Duty: 28.1 Horsepower
Speed Range: 25 - 5,000 Rpm
Main Drive 2 (Integral Spindle Motor):
Drive Output, Continuous Duty: 16.1 Horsepower
Speed Range: 31 - 6,300 Rpm
Turrets 1 And 2:
Number Of Tool Stations: 2x12
Driven Tool Stations: 2x12
Drive Output (40% Duty Cycle): 8.8 Horsepower
Torque (40% Duty Cycle): 14.8 Ft./Lb.
19,000 – control on hours
6,550 – actual run hours
Y axis
Siemens 840D
IEMCA 12' loader.
As far as collets and chucks. the main spindle has Microcentric Collet
Chuck, Berg 3 jaw chuck.
Two slides
2 turrets
2 C axis
2 tool drives
Chip conveyor
Filter mist
Auto door option
work piece collection device
interface for magazine bar feeder
Microcentric Collet chuck,