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- CNC Swiss
- Star
- SV-20
- Lathe - CNC
- 20mm
- 2001
- C Axis:
- Live Tooling:
Max Turning Diameter 0.75"Headstock Stroke 8.00"
Main Spindle Speeds 50-10,000 Rpm
Main Spindle Indexing 0.001 Degree
Main Spindle Motor 5 Hp / 3 Hp
Main Spindle Bore Diameter 1.00"
Drilling Capacity, Stationary Tool 0.54"
Drilling Capacity, Power Driven Tool 0.312"
Number of Fixed Tools (0.47") 5
Number of Power Driven Tools 3
Turret Positions 8
Tapping Capacity (Turret) M10 X P1.5
Power Driven Tool Gang Tool Post M6 X P1.0
Milling Capacity 0.39"
Max Die Cutting Capacity M10 X P1.5
Gang Tool Post Power Driven Tool: 6,000 Rpm
Backworking: Max Chucking Capacity 0.75"
Backworking Max Drilling Capacity 0.375"
Backworking Tapping Capacity M8 X P1.25
Backworking Spindle Speeds 500-10,000 Rpm
Sub-Spindle Motor 3 Hp / 5 Hp
Dimensions 104"X55"X66"
Approx Weight 7500 Lbs
Equipped With:
Fanuc 16Tc Cnc Control
Lns Express 220 Magazine-Type Bar Loader
Parts Conveyor
C-Axis Main & Sub-Spindle
(1) 3-Position Double Sided Drill Chuck Holder
(1) Double Cross Drilling Unit
(1) 4-Position Double Sided Rotary Drill Holder
(2) 3-Station Turning Tool Bit Holder
(1) Parts Catcher
Manuals & Misc. Accessories
Under Power in West Coast Plant