Sold!Buy one like this
I want to sell a machine like this
- Automatic
- New Britain
- Model 52
- Multi Spindle Bar
- 6 Spindle
- 1982
Length 127" W/O Conveyor
Width 47"
Idle .92 w/4" Tool Slide Cam
Idle 1 sec w/5" Tool Slide Cam
Max Capacity Hex: 1 1/16"
Max Capacity Round: 1 1/4"
Motor Horsepower 25
Max Capacity Square: 7/8"
Max Stock Feed: 6"
Max. Dia Head Diam 4 3/8"
Net Weight: 12,900 LBS
Spindle Speeds 271-4249 RPM
Tool Slide Travel 4"
Tool Slide Travel Optional 5"
Travel Low Slide Front 1 3/4"
Travel Low Slide Rear 2"
Carrier is rebuilt.
Machine is available with
- Optional New Pick off and Back Finishing
- Optional Logan Clutches
6 Independent Cross Slides
Chip Conveyor - Motorized
Stationary Tool Slide Holders
Sliding Tool Slide Holders
Universal Threading 5th
Universal Threading 6th
Hydraulic Threading Clutch
Logan Threading Clutch
Hydraulic Feed Clutches
Coolant System
Stock Reel And Stand
Collets & Pushers
Masters Covers and Guards
Motors and Controls
Pusher Tubes
This machine located in the southeast.
Once completed the machine will be turn tested for accuracy.