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- CNC Swiss
- Citizen
- L-32
- Lathe - CNC
- 32mm
- 2001
- Live Tooling:
Cincom System IVC ControlBackworking Tools 5
Driven Tools 4
Driven tool RPM 200-5,000
Driven tool max drilling 6mm
Driven tool max collet 10mm
External Mach. Tools 5 (max 9)
Internal Machining Tools 3
Main Spindle Drive 5.5 KW
Spindle Bore 40MMMax Drilling dia steel 10mm
Max Pick Off Dia. 1.25"
Max Pick Off Length 120mm
Max Pick off w/optional 600mm
Max. Bar Diameter 1.25"
Pick Off speed 200-6,000 RPM
Speed Range-DC 200 - 8,000 RPM
Spindle Indexing 5 degree
Tool Size: 60/130Weight: 5400lbs
Constant Surface Speed, Tool Nose
Radius Comp, Chamfering / Corner
Rounding, Multiple Repetitive Cycles,
Custom Macros Main/Back Spindle
Synchronization, Synchronous Tapping.
Standard Tooling Package: Tool Block
(5 OD / 4 Live), Cross Drill Spindles,
Tapping Sleeve, Drilling Sleeve,
Long Drilling Sleeves.
Machines are in excellent condition
and can be inspected under power i
n production by appointment.