I want to sell a machine like this
- Automatic
- Acme Gridley
- 1-1/4" RA 6
- Multi Spindle Bar
- 6 Spindle
- 1981
Spindle StoppingUniversal Threading Pos.4
Air Actuated
Electric Tripping Mechanism
Plain Threading
Position 5
Chip Conveyor - Universal
Collets & Pushers
Cross Slide Tool Holders
Hinged Type Drill Saddles
Outboard Coolant Pump
Splash GuardsStock Reel And Stand
Height To Top Of Motor 6'10"
Length 9'5"
Weight 13,800 Lbs
Width 3'7"
Collet Capacity Round 1 1/4"
Collet Capacity Hex 1 3/32"
Collet Capacity Square 7/8"
Idle Time 1.8 Seconds
Spindle Speeds 265-2475Idle Time if/ cyclo I ndex 1.2
Main Tool Slide Travel 6"
Spindle RPM if Stopper 2128
Standard Main Motor 25 Horsepower
Stock Feed 7"
Spindle Stopping and with cross drilling and cross tapping - machines new 1974 through 1981. All are in good to very good condition.|Price for the 1974 $62,500|There is also a 1976 and a 1979 machine equipped the same. Machines are located in Michigan.