Sold!Buy one like this
I want to sell a machine like this
- CNC Swiss
- Citizen
- L-16
- Lathe - CNC
- 16mm
- Live Tooling:
Fanuc OT ControlTool Holders
Parts Catcher
Chip Conveyor
Magazine Bar Feed
*Stationary Guide Bushing Unt
*Three Spindle Attachment
Bar length (Standard) 8'2"
Center height 1150mm
Cutting feed rate 16'4"/min.
Max. Machining Dia - 5/8"Max. drilling dia. 5/16"
Max. tapping dia M6(1/4")
Motor - spindle 2.2/3.7 kW
Mounted tools - 5 O.D.turning
Mounted tools - 3 I.D.turning
Power consumption 6 kVA
Rapid traverse rate Z 12m/min
Rapid traverse rate XH 10m/min
Weight 2200lbsRapid traverse rate X V 10m/min
Spndl Speeds 300-8,000 rpm
Spndl spd chnge steps-stepless
Spndl through hole 3/4"
Tool size 3/8"x3/8"x2-3/8"~6"
`Floor space 43-3/8"x74-5/16"
`Motor - Hydraulic unit 0.4 kW
`Motor - coolant 0.25 kW
This machine is in good condition and can be seen under power on the west coast. The magazine feed is a Ikura-Seiki 10' muntibar feeder.