I want to sell a machine like this
- Automatic
- Acme Gridley
- 4" RB 6
- Multi Spindle Bar
- 6 Spindle
- 1974
GENERAL SPECIFICATIONSHight to top of Motor 8'
Length: 13 3 5/8"
Weight 35,400 Lbs
Width: 4'8"
Collet Capacity 4"
Collet Capacity Hex 3 7/16"
Collet Capacity Sq 2 13/16"
Idle Time 4 Seconds
Main Tool Slide Travel 8"
Spindle Speeds 31-422
Spindle Stop Not Available
Standard Main Motor 40/50 Horsepower
Stock Feedout Length 7"
Very Good machine located in Iowa.
Accelerated Reaming Pos. 4
6 Independent Cross Slides
2 nd Position Shelf Slide
Master Collets
Master Pushers
Main Toolslide Drill Saddles
Motors & Electrical Controls
One Set of Cams and Gears
Splash Guards
Stock Reel And Stand