Sold!Buy one like this
I want to sell a machine like this
- CNC Swiss
- Citizen
- F-25
- Lathe - CNC
- 25mm
- 1983
- Live Tooling:
Fanuc 6TB ControlR-S 232 - C Interface
Auto-Bar Loader - IBF 30-U
Multiple Repetative Cycle A
Incremental Offset
Run Hour Display
Auto Chamfering
Radius Programming ARC
Guide Bushings
10 Position turret
Main spindle 180-7000 RPMMain spindle motor 7.3/5 Horsepower
Max. bar length - 12'
Max.drilling diameter - 0.5"
Max.feed rate - 200" per min.
Max.length per chucking-7.87"
Max.tap or die dia.5/16"-20
Max.working diameter - 1.0"
Min.working diameter - 0.118"
Weight - 6000lbsNumber of tool stations - 10
Rapid traverse x&y 390"/min
Standard tool shank - 3/4"
Good machine located in Michigan. Feed Fingers, Carbide guide bushings, 4 Tool Holders, 3 Drill Sleeve Holders, 11 Collets, 10 Bushings