I want to sell a machine like this
- CNC Swiss
- Tsugami
- BU 38sy
- Lathe - CNC
- 2006
- Spindle Size: 38mm
- C Axis:
- Y Axis:
- Sub Spindle:
- Live Tooling:
Machine Style(s): Bar, Chucker, SwissFanuc 18i-TB
Turning Diameter Max: 1.496
Turning Length (in.) Max: 9.842
Collet Type/Capacity: Guide Bushing
# of Main Spindles: 1
Main Spindle: rpm: 6000 HP: 15.00
Nose: Guide Bushing
# Speed Ranges: 1
Sub-Spindle: (Standard) rpm: 200 - 5000 HP: 7.33
Primary Tool Carrier: Slide
Max Tools Turning: 7 Rotary: 2
Tool Shank Size (in.): Round: 0.750 Rotary: 0.250
Rotary Tool Spindle: rpm: 8,000 Power: 0.66 hp
Second Tool Carrier: Turret
Max Tools Turning: 8 Rotary: 4
Tool Shank Size (inch): Square: 0.500 Round: 1.000 Rotary: 0.500
RotaryTool Spindle: rpm: 5400 Power: 1.87 hp
# of Simultaneous Cutting Tools: 2
Secondary Mill/Drill Function On-Center: Standard With 'C' Axis: Standard
Off-Center: Standard With 'Y' Axis: Standard
Number of Axes: Standard: 8
Travel Max Feed Rapid Rate
C1 Std. 360.000 deg
X1 Std. 1.378 in. 236 ipm 472 ipm
X2 Std. 4.330 in. 236 ipm 472 ipm
Y1 Std. 9.448 in. 236 ipm 472 ipm
Y2 Std. 3.149 in. 236 ipm 393 ipm
Z1 Std. 9.842 in. 236 ipm 944 ipm
Z2 Std. 5.511 in. 236 ipm 944 ipm
Z3 Opt. 11.220 in. 236 ipm 944 ipm
Length 137 in.
Width 80 in.
Height 69 in.
Weight 13,200 lbs.
Parts conveyor. High press coolant pump.
This machine runs coolant.
Iemca Magazine Bar Feed
(no telescoping nose)
Part catcher and conveyor
Misc Turret tool holders
Ran plastic with water soluble coolant