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- CNC Machine
- Index
- C-65
- Lathe - CNC
- 2005
- Spindle Size: 2.55"
- Dual Spindles:
- Live Tooling:
turning diameter 140 mmturning length 600 mm
control Siemens 840 D
distance between spindles 615 mm
Main spindle:
Max. rpm 5.000 min/-1
power capacity - main spindel 20 / 27 kW
max. Torque 105 / 145 Nm
C-Axis 0,001 °
chucking diameter 140 mm 600 mm
spindle head ISO 702/1 140 mm
max. bar capacity 65mm
spindle bearing diameter 110 mm
Max. rpm 5.000 min/-1
power capacity - Sub spindle 20 / 27 kW
max. Torque 105 / 145 Nm
C-Axis 0,001 °
chucking diameter 140 - 160 mm
spindle head ISO 702/1 140 mm
max. bar capacity 65 mm
x-travel 150 mm
Bar Capacity 2.55"
Spindle Speeds (Both Spindles) 5000 RPM
Spindle Motor (Both Spindles) 27 HP
Travels 4.3" x 14.17" x 2.75"
Number of Tool Stations (each turret) 12
Number of Dirve Tools (each turret) 12
Driven Tool RPM 6000 RPM
Driven Tool Motor 11 HP
- Main- and Subspindle
- 3 turrets
- 3x y-Axis 70mm
- 3x 12 driven tool positions -
Index MBL bar loader