I want to sell a machine like this
- CNC Machine
- Hwacheon
- HI-TECH 100B
- Lathe - CNC
- 2014
- Tail Stock:
Fanuc Oi-MD series CNC Control
12,000 RPM High Precision Spindle
Through Spindle Coolant
CAT-40 Big Plus Spindle
4th Axis Ready ( Wiring & Drive Installed )
Renishaw Probing and Wear Systems
MPG Control
30 Tools Bidirectional Tool Changer
Tool Load Monitoring
PCMCIA Card Slot
USB, RS-232 & Ethernet Connectivity
Spindle Chiller Unit
Wide Spaced Linear Guides Way Construction
Powerful 15 kw high torque spindle motor
Spindle Orientation
Rigid Tapping
Helical Interpolation
Fast Rapid Traverse Rate
High Flow coolant with large separate coolant tank
Work light
Double Auger System
Chip Conveyor
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