I want to sell a machine like this
- Automatic
- Traub
- A-25
- Single Spindle Bar
- 0
- Spindle Size: 26mm
-Amount of slides: 4-For radial operated tools
Diameter of work admitted: 26 mm
Spindle capacity with collets:
-Round, up to 26 mm
-Hexagonal, up to 22 mm
-Tetrahedral, up to 18 mm
Spindle passage: 22 mm
Turning length: 70 mm
Max chuck size: 86 mm
Max work-piece diameter: 86 mm
Distance from chuck to tailstock: 285 mm
Spindle speeds: 500-4750 rpm
Electric motor:
-Power: 2.2 kW
-Rotation: 1420 rpm
Voltage: 50 Hz, 3x380 Volt
Overall power of electric equipment: 2,57 kW
Dimensions of the machinery: 1700x800x1600 mm
Machine weight: about 850 kg
(5) A 25's
(2) A60's
Bar Feeds and tooling