I want to sell a machine like this
- CNC Machine
- Daewoo Doosan
- 310N
- Lathe - CNC
- 2004
- Spindle Size: 3"
- B Axis:
- C Axis:
- Y Axis:
- Live Tooling:
Max Swing Over Bed 19.68"Maximum Turning Length . 18.9"
Maximum Turning Diameter 12.20"
Chuck Size .. 10"
Bar Capacity 3.0"
Cross Travel (X-Axis) 7.87"
Longitudinal Travel (Z-Axis) . 19.68"
Rapid Traverse Rate (X / Z-Axis) . 787 / 945 IPM
Tool Positions 12
Spindle Nose . A2-6
Spindle Speed Range .. 40-4500 RPM
Spindle Drive Motor (30 minute) .. 15 HP
Hydraulic Tailstock Taper #5 MT
Hydraulic Tailstock Travel .. 3.54"
Approximate Machine Dimensions 100" x 73"
Approximate Machine Weight . 8,000 LBS
Fanuc 0i CNC Control
10" Kitagawa Hydraulic Chuck
20" Swing Over the Bed
12.2" Max OD Turning Diameter
Programmable Tailstock
19" Between Centers
Tool Setter, Parts Catcher
15 HP, 4500 RPM
12 Position Tool Turret
Chip Conveyor
New 2004
Under Power and Ready for Demo
Appears to be in Excellent Condition