Sold!Buy one like this
I want to sell a machine like this
- Automatic
- New Britain
- Model 60
- Multi Spindle Bar
- 6 Spindle
- 1960
New Britain Package of Model 60, all With Threading, Stock Reel, Stock Stand, Chip Conveyor, all ToolingS/N 31301, 31294, 32161, 31526, 30452, 34405, 31525, 32148, 35476, 31752, 31126
New Britain Package of Model 60, all With Threading, Stock Reel, Stock Stand, Chip Conveyor, all Tooling
S/N 31301, 31294, 32161, 31526, 30452, 34405, 31525, 32148, 35476, 31752, 31126