I want to sell a machine like this
- CNC Swiss
- Citizen
- M-32 III
- Lathe - CNC
- 32mm
- 0
- C Axis:
- Y Axis:
- Live Tooling:
Specifications:Axis’s Controlled 9
Machine is capable in the X1, Y1, Z1 - X2, Y2, Z2 - X3, Z3. C axis movements are all open
Maximum machining diameter 32 mm
Maximum machining length (L) 320 mm / 1 chucking
Maximum front drilling diameter 12 mm
Maximum front tapping diameter M10
Spindle through-hole diameter 36 mm
Main spindle speed 8,000 rpm
Spindle speed of the gang rotary 6,000 rpm (rating 4,500 rpm)
Drilling dia for turret rotary 10 mm
Spindle speed of turret rotary 6,000 rpm
Max. drilling dia back spindle 10 mm
Max. tapping dia back spindle M10
Back spindle speed 8,000 rpm
Drilling dia back tool post rotary 8 mm
Spindle speed of back tool post 6,000 rpm
Max. chuck diameter of Sub spindle 32 mm
Max. protrusion length 145 mm
Number of tools to be mounted 31
Turning tool 5
Gang rotary tool 4
Gang B axis rotary tool 3
Number of turret stations 10
Back tool post station 9
Rapid feed rate
All axes (except Y2) 32 m/min
X2 axis 18 m/min
Y2 axis - 8 m/min
Y3 axis - 32 m/min
Year of manufacture: 2007,
Cool Blaster CB510,
LNS Turbo Swarf Conveyor,
Absolent Filtration Sysytem,
Iemca Boss 332 R-E Magazine Bar Feeder,
2 Sets of channels 34mm & 17mm,
2 Bar feed pushers 32mm & 16mm,
1 x KDF Turret End Working tool holder,
2 x CTF Turret turning holders,