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- CNC Swiss
- Star
- SV-32J
- Lathe - CNC
- 32mm
- 1998
- Live Tooling:
Max. Turning Diameter 1-1/4"Headstock Stroke 12-13/64"
with: Gripping unit 11-4/5"
Headstock Spindle Speeds 350-7,000 RPM
Spindle indexing 15 Deg.
Drilling Capacity:
Stationary Tool 3/4"
Power driven Tool Gang Tool Post 5/16"
Number of Tools 4
Power-Driven 3
Turret 8 Stations
Tool Shank 16x135mm
Turret 16x70mm
Tapping Capacity:
Turret M12 x P1.75
Power driven Tool Gang Tool Post M6 x P1.0 Opt.
Milling Capacity 25/64"
Max. Die Cutting Capacity M12 x P1.75
Main Spindle Motor 5.5 kw (cont)
7.5 kw (30 min)
Main Spindle Bore Diameter 1 1/2"
Tool Shank 16 x 135mm
Turret 16 x 70mm
Gang Tool Post power driventool:
Spindle Speed Max. 6,000 min opt motor
0.5 kw (servo Drive)
Power Consumption 8.0 Kva
Backworking Attachment:
Max. Chucking Capacity 1-1/4"
Drilling Capacity 1/2"
Tapping Capacity M10 x P1.5
Spindle Speeds: 350-7000 RPM
Sub-Spindle Motor 2.2 kw (contin)
3.7 kw (15 min)
Machine Dimensions 128"x52"x70"
Barfeed on Stands 200"x36"x48"
Bar Feed Hydraulic Tank 36"x24"x36"
Chip Pan 52"x44"x22"
Total weight 10,000 lbs.
Model : SV-32J CNC Swiss
Control : Fanuc 18i-T
Collet System:
Bar capacity: (Main)Max. 32mm -(Sub) max. 32mm
Machining Length= 300mm
Max. Spindle RPM : 7000 (main & sub)
Spindle HP : Main=10 HP -
Controlled axes : 7 axes
Rapid Traverse: 740 IPM
Weight : 7100 Lbs.
Machine Dimensions: 101'L x 49"W x 66"H
Includes: LNS Hydrobar bar feed, Toolholders, Collets (no cutting tools included), part catcher, part conv. chip conv.