Sold!Buy one like this
I want to sell a machine like this
- CNC Swiss
- Star
- Ecas 32T
- Lathe - CNC
- 2006
- Spindle Size: 32mm
- C Axis:
- Sub Spindle:
- Live Tooling:
Max Diameter Bar Capacity 1.25"Max Machining Length 13.78"
Main Spindle Motor 10 / 7.5 HP
Main Spindle Speed 7000 RPM
Main Spindle Indexing .01 Degrees
Tools 10 x 2
Tools Per Station 2
Sleeve Holder Tools: 3
Max Drilling Capacity 0.906"
Max Tapping / Die Cutting Capacity M12 x P1.75
Power Driven Attachment:
Tools per Station 2
Max Drilling Capacity 0.390"
Max Tapping Capacity M8 x P1.25
Max Milling Capacity 0.5"
Max Slotting Capacity 2mm W x 10mm D
Spindle Motor 2.4 HP
Spindle Speed 5700 RPM
Backworking Tool Post:
Number of Tools 8
Turning Tools 4
Max Drilling Capacity (Stationary/Driven) 0.5" / 0.312"
Max Tapping Capacity M10 x P1.5 / M6 x P1.0
Max Milling Capacity 0.390"
Spindle Motor 1.8 HP
Spindle Speed 6000 RPM
Sub Spindle Motor 5 / 3 HP
Sub Spindle Speed 7000 RPM
Sub Spindle Chucking Diameter 1.25"
Sub Spindle Length for Front Ejection 4"
Sub Spindle Chucking Length 5.875"
Machine Dimensions (L x W x H) 125" x 69" x 73"
Machine Weight 12,540 lbs.
(2) Star ECAS 32T swiss screw machines and (1) oil chiller.
The screw machines were made in 2006 and have been in service since that time.
They are equipped with Siemens controllers, LNS Super Hydro bar loaders and high pressure pumps and Firetrace fire suppression systems. Parts catcher and conveyor
Only one machine is equipped with an Daikin oil chiller.