Sold!Buy one like this
I want to sell a machine like this
- Transfer Machine
- Hydromat
- HW 25/12
- Rotary
- 25mm
- 1993
Model HW25-12 CNC 199315,688,383 Cycles
Magazine Bar Loader
Hydrauic Pack
Pendant Controls
Knoll MN MW780
Chip Conveyor
Control Upgraded to GE Fanuc Cimplicity
System 3000 GDT
Coolant Tank
Metal Walkway
(1) Cutoff saw
(1) Inverter
Other units available at additional cost
This is just a general description. When we quote the machine it will have a breakdown by position of all units included.
Round ................................ 1"
Hex .................................. 7/8"
Square ............................... 3/4"
Length ............................... 4"
Horizontal Stations ........... 12
Vertical Stations .................... 6
Indexing Time ..................... 0.5
Weight ............................... 10,000 Lbs.
Main Motor ........................ 30 HP
Overall Dimensions ...... 318" x 142" x 116"