Sold!Buy one like this
I want to sell a machine like this
- Automatic
- Acme Gridley
- 2" RB-6
- Multi Spindle Bar
- 6 Spindle
- 1948
- Spindle Size: 2"
Height To Top Of Motor 7' 2"Length 12'5"
Weight 27,300 Lbs
Width 4'
Collet Capacity Round 2"
Collet Capacity Hex 1 3/4"
Collet Capacity Square 1 7/16"
Idle Time 3 Sec.
Main Tool Slide Travel 7"
Spindle Speeds 152-1640
Spindle RPM if Stopper 1270
Standard Main Motor 30 Horsepower
Stock Feedout Max. 7"
Pick off and Back finishing "new and installed"
Remove Carrier from Machine, Disassemble, Clean, Paint and reassemble.
Grind Carrier Stem & Bush Tooslide
5 Saddles & Bore (if needed)
Recess Holder - New
Tooling, cams gears collet pads, pushers etc. for making your part.
New Shave tool
Setup Part, Runoff part.
Misc Repair Parts as needed.
Terms: 1/3 Down, 1/3 on completion,
balance prior to shipping.
5 Cross slides
Universal Threading 4th
Accelerated reaming 5th
Universal Chip conveyor
Plexiglas Splash guards
Stock reel & stand
Pusher Tubes
Cross Slide Holders
Pusher Tubes