I want to sell a machine like this
- CNC Multi Spindle
- Gildemeister
- GM-70 CNC
- Multi Spindle Bar
- 67mm
- 2002
- Spindle Size: 70mm
Number of spindles. 3Max. bar diameter. 70 mm
Diameter of self-centering chucks. 175 mm
Distance between centers of spindles. 320 mm
Power of the spindles at 100% duty cycle. 9 KW
Power of the spindles at 40% duty cycle. 13.5 KW
Nominal torque of the spindle at 100% duty cycle. 114 Nm
Max. spindle speed. 3000 R.P.M.
Indexing time forward 120 degrees. 1.2 sec
Indexing time backward 240 degrees. 1.5 sec
Axial clamping of drum with HIRTH-type. daN 8000
Max. diameter of bars. 70 mm
Diameter of self-centering chuck. 175 mm
Power of the spindles at 100% duty cycle. 9 KW
Power of the spindles at 40% duty cycle. 13.5 KW
Nominal torque of the spindle at 100% duty c. 114 Nm
Max. spindle speed. 3000 R.P.M.
Longitudinal traverse W3 (pick-up spindle). 920 mm
Rapid traverse speed. 15 m/min
Feed thrust. 580 daN
Number of turrets. 3
Radial traverse of slide X1 and X2. 155 mm
Radial traverse of slides X3. 180 mm
Rapid traverse. 15 m/min
Feed thrust slide X1 and X2. 900 daN
Feed thrust slide X3. 870 daN
Longitudinal traverse Z1, Z2. 565 mm
Longitudinal traverse Z3. 580 mm
Rapid traverse in Z. 20 m/min
Feed thrust Z1, Z2 and Z3. 630 daN
1 turret with 12 toolpositions for cross slide. total of 3 turrets
Number of positions on each revolver-head. 12, all positions driven
Total number of driven positions on 3 turrets. 36 total
Indexing according to DIN 69 880 (VDI 30). 30 mm
Indexing time for each position (30 degrees). 0.3 sec
Indexing time for 6 positions (180 degrees). 1.0 sec
Power of the motor-driven tools at 100% D.C. 3 KW
Power of the motor-driven tools at 60% D.C. 5 KW
Max. number of revolutions for the spindle speed motorized tools 3000 RPM
Quantity. 2
Number of tools for each frontal slide. 2
Number of tools for each frontal slide with revolving head, option,
(necessary for machining with chucks to prevent collisions). 2
Longitudinal travel of W1 and W2. 565 mm
Rapid traverse speed W1 and W2. 20 m/min
Feed thrust W1 and W2. 630 daN
Radial traverse U1 and U2. 110 mm
Rapid traverse speed U1 and U2. 15 m/min
Feed thrust U1 and U2. 930 daN
Toolchanging time. 0.3 sec
Turret reception according to DIN 69880 (VDI30). 30 mm
Coolant capacity. approx. 1140 l
Output. approx. 260 l/min
Pressure max. 20 bar
Pressure at max quantity. 8 bar
Each turret position is equipped coolant supply
Length. 8700 mm
Width. 1940 mm
Height. 2470 mm
Net weight. 18000 daN
Coverprotection with safety disposal according EN 389/92
Max. noise level according to DIN 46 635/UNI 7712. 80 dB(A)
Electric switch unit according to EN 602041-1
Total power. 97 KVA
Cable section. 4x70 mm2
Supply voltage. 400 Volt
Voltage variation. Plus or minus 6/10 percent
Machine, outside. Light grey NCS 1502 G
Splashguards. Grey NCS 4502 G
Control cabinet + Stock carrier. Dark grey NCS 5502 G
DIN 8605/VDI/DGQ 3441/VDE 0113
Polychromatic control-panel
Number of CNC-driven spindles. 4
Pairs of interpolation axes, linear. 5
Number of C-axes (Option). 4
Number of CNC-driven axes, linear and circular. 11 + 4
SPS-driven axes. 3
Linear Axes resolution. 0.0001 mm
Circular Axes resolution. 0.0001 mm
Loaded with tooling and repair parts
Watch it run in video
Very Good Condition
New 2002
-CNC-controlled multispindle turning lathe for bar-machining
-3 CNC-independently driven spindles
-Pick-up spindle with identical power as main spindles for complete
machining of component
-Ability to machining in 4 axes on the two upper spindles and in 2 axes on
the lower spindle
-Possibility of machining with 5 tools simultaneous