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- Chip Processing
- Barrett
- 1100e
- Chip Spinner
- 30"
- 0
- Spindle Size: 30"
Chip Pan Diameter: 30 inchesChip Pan Depth: 14 inches
Chip Capacity: Cubic Feet: 4.5
Chip Capacity: Bushels: 3.667"
Loads per Hour (Maximum): 15
Hourly Production Rate: Cubic Feet: 68
Hourly Production Rate: Bushels: 55
Barrels of Chips (55 Gallons): 9
Maximum Allowable Loads in Pounds: 425
Running Speed: 900 RPM
Main Motor: 10 HP
Blower Motor: 1/3 HP
Electrics: 3/60/480v
Floor Space (Height x Base Diameter): 45" x 49"
Approximate Weight: 2710 pounds
Barrett Chip Spinner 1100e - 6 extra tubs on dollies
Center Post Type
Serial 110110076-E