Sold!Buy one like this
I want to sell a machine like this
- Automatic
- Wickman
- 6 Spindle
- Multi Spindle Bar
- 3-1/4"
- 1980
Bar CapacityRound 3 1/4"
Hexagon (across flats) 2.81"
Square (across flats) 2.29"
Bar Feed Stroke 0 - 10"
Centre Block
Feed Stroke 0-5"
Centre Block
Approach Stroke 0-5"
Independent Slide Stroke 0-5”
Feed Stroke
Lower Cross Slides position 0-1 3/4”
Upper Cross Slides positions 4 & 5 0-2 1/2”
Intermediate Cross Slides positions 3 & 6 1 13/32"
Idle time between 268-112°C (seconds) 4
Spindle Speeds RPM 400-5000 RPM
1004-77 RPM+/- 10% with inverter
Range of cycle times (seconds) 8.3-924
Coolant System Motor Power 1.1Kw
Lubrication System Motor Power 0.12Kw
Overall Dimensions
Without Stock Carriage 62" x 261"
Net weight (Approximate - includes the
electrical equipments and stock carriage) lbs 28000