Sold!Buy one like this
I want to sell a machine like this
- CNC Swiss
- Citizen
- L-20 VIII
- Lathe - CNC
- 20mm
- 2005
- C Axis:
- Live Tooling:
Max. Machining Diameter: 0.8125" (21Mm)Max. Machining Length: 8.0" (200Mm)
Chucking Main Spindle Speeds: 200-10,000 Rpm
Rotary Tool Spindle: 200-4,500 Rpm
Back Spindle Max. Diameter: 0.78" (20Mm)
Back Spindle Front Ejection: 3.2" (80Mm)
Back Spindle Speeds: 200-8,000 Rpm
Rapid Traverse: 1,259 Ipm
Number of Mountable Tools:
Gang Tool Post (Turning): 5
Gang Tool Post (Live): 7
Front Drilling: 3
Back Drilling: 3
Tooling Size: 1/2" Sq Turning,
3/4" Id Sleeves
Input Power: 6Kva
Main: 3 / 5 Hp
Back Spindle: 1 / 2 Hp
Rotary Tool: 1.3 Hp
Coolant: 0.5 Hp
With mist buster, cool blaster,
LNS express 220. Live tools.