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- CNC Machine
- Takamaz
- XC-150
- Lathe - CNC
- 2010
- Spindle Size: 1.65"
- C Axis:
- Number of Axis: Yes
- Dual Spindles:
- Gantry Load:
Max Turning Diameter 11"Max Turning Length 8"
Max Bar Diameter 1.65"
Chuck Size 8"
Spindle Nose A2-6
Spindle Bearing I.D. 4"
Spindle Speed Max 3,500
Type 8-Station turret
Boring Holder I.D. 2"
Max Stroke X: 7", Z: 10"
Rapid Transverse Rate X: 1", Z: 1"
Spindle Motor 14.75/10 HP
Feed Motor X: AC1.2 Z: AX1.8
Spindle Center Height 41"
L x W x H 49" x 58" x 65"
Machine Weight 6,173 lbs
Total Electric Capacity KVA 20
Gantry loader, Parts Stacker, 8" Hydraulic Chuck, Chip Conveyor, High Pressure Coolant, Oil Mist Collector