I want to sell a machine like this
- CNC Machine
- Hwacheon
- HI-TECH 200A CNC Lathe
- Lathe - CNC
- 2003
- Spindle Size: 2"
- Live Tooling:
- Tail Stock:
Chuck Size 8"Max. Swing 15.7"
Max. Turning Dia. 13.8"
Center Distance 15.7"
X-Axis Travel 7.6"
Z-Axis Travel 16.9"
Rapid Traverse ( X/Z ) 1181 IPM
Max. Bar Capacity 2"
Spinsle Bore 2.95"
Spindle Speeds 50 - 5000 RPM
Spindle Nose A2-6
Turret Positions 12
Approximate Dimensions 66.5" x 91"
Approximate Weight 7,700 LBS
Fanuc Oi-TA CNC Control
Live Tooling with 2.2/3.7 KW Rotary Tools
Collet Chuck
Chip Conveyor