I want to sell a machine like this
- Automatic
- Acme Gridley
- 5/8" RN 6
- Multi Spindle Bar
- 6 Spindle
- 1970
- Spindle Size: 5/8"
Height 76 1/4"Length 100"
Weight 8250 Lbs
Width 32"
Collet Capacity Round 5/8"
Collet Capacity Sqr 7/16"
Collet Capacity Hex 17/32"
Idle Time 140 Deg Cam 61-.80
Idle Time 150 Deg Cam .58-.76
Max. Length Stock Feed 5"Max. Toolslide Travel 5"
Max.T/S Trav W/150 Deg Cam 3"
Spindle RPM if Stopper 3220
Spindle Speeds 335-5000
Standard Main Motor 15 Horsepower
Pick Off and Back Finish
Cucchi Loader
Universal Conveyor
Cross Slide Holders
All Tooling to run parts.
Time to run parts 6.5 seconds or less