Sold!Buy one like this
I want to sell a machine like this
- CNC Swiss
- Citizen
- L-20 (5) VIII
- Lathe - CNC
- 20mm
- 2002
- C Axis:
- Live Tooling:
CNC Control: Cincom System LSimultaneous 8 Axis Control
Main Spindle
Max. machining diameter: 3/4" (.79")
Max. machining length per one chuck: 7.87"
Max. drilling diameter: up to .39"
speed: 200 - 10,000 rpm
min. spindle input increment: Full C-axis
motor: 2.2/3.7 KW
tooling: 1/2" (T01 5/8")
max. chucking dia. of pick-off spindle: .79"
pick-off spindle speed: 200 - 8,000 rpm
pick-off spindle motor: .75/1.5 KW
min. spindle increment Full C-axis
Rotary tool:
rotary spindle speed: 200 - 5000 rpm
rotary tool motor: 1.0 KW
Number of tools mounted: 18-21
Turning / Front ID / Back ID / Live tools: 5 / 3 / 3 / 5 Power
consumption: 6 KVA
Required floor space: 85" x 43" x 70" H
Approx. weight: 4700 lbs.
Citizen L20VIII (5M8), 2003, 7 Live, CAV Loader, C-axis, HPC, sub spindle (4) Available
Citizen Cincom CAV 20L-IS Automatic Bar Loader
Mist Buster Mist Collector
Cool Blaster 8-Line 2000 PSI Line High Pressure Coolant
Fire Suppression
Turbo Chip Conveyor
(2) ER16 Live Cross Tool Spindles
(2) ER11 Live Cross Tool Spindles
3-Pos Front/Face Switchable Live Tool Spindle (6-pos tool shown in photo
not included)
Condition: Excellent