I want to sell a machine like this
- CNC Machine
- Traub
- TNK 28/36
- Lathe - CNC
- 28mm
- 2000
- Spindle Size: 36mm
- C Axis:
- Sub Spindle:
C-axis 0.001sub-spindle with C-axis 0.001
rapid travel X3 / Z2 30/30 m/min
turret 1 with driving attachement, 12 stations
work travel X/Y/Z 50/+/-20/100 mm
rapid speed X/Y/Z 15/15/30 mm
front attachement
5 tool taper, 4 of which live
chip conveyor
bar feeder
Traub TNK 36
Serial number 120
Traub TX8i
Age 2000
Running hours : 40151
12 station turret with all stations driven with combination options
5 position front working station
5 position back working station
Maximum bar diameter 36 mm
Main spindle and sub-spindle power : 6,7 kW
Main spindle and sub-spindle speeds : 6 300 [rpm]
Parts conveyor
Knoll chip conveyor
FMB 5-42 / 4200 bar loader for 12’ bars
Full set driven and static tooling