I want to sell a machine like this
- CNC Machine
- Wasino
- G07-F
- Lathe - CNC
- 2"
- 2005
- Spindle Size: 2"
- Gantry Load:
Specifications:Swing Over Bed 15.75"
Nominal Work-Piece Size 4.75" (Dia.) X 4.75" (Length)
Bar Capacity 2"
X-axis Travel 18 7/8"
Z-axis Travel 11 7/32"
Spindle Nose A2-6
Spindle Center Height 39"
Spindle Bore 2.5"
Spindle Bearing ID 4"
Maximum Spindle Speed 4,000 RPM
X-axis Rapid Traverse Rate 470 IPM
Z-axis Rapid Traverse Rate 787 IPM
AC Spindle Drive Motor 10 HP
They have auto barfeeds Gantry loaders and high pressure coolant. The hours are 7779 and 9635. Machines have not had much use at all.