Sold!Buy one like this
I want to sell a machine like this
- Automatic
- Acme Gridley
- 1-1/4" RB 8
- Multi Spindle Bar
- 8 Spindle
- 1958
Length 12'5"Width 3'7"
Height to top of Motor 7'3"
Weight: 26,700 Lbs
Collet Capacity Round 1 1/4"
Collet Capacity Hex 1 3/32"
Collet Capacity Sq. 7/8"
Idle Time 2 Seconds
Main Tool Slide Travel 7"
Spindle RPM if Stopper 2175
Stock Feed Max.7"
Spindle Speeds 2 83-2365
Standard Main Motor HP 30
1 ¼”RB-8 National Acme screw machine
Serial No; AM-40064
Year Mfg; 1962
Equipped with;
Drill holders
Chip Conveyor
Shelf DSlide 6th
Heavy Duty Recess 4th
Outside coolant pump
Plexiglas guards
8 Collet & Pusher tubes
Cams & gears as mounted on the machine
Stock reel and stand