I want to sell a machine like this
- Automatic
- Schutte
- SF-32
- Multi Spindle Bar
- 32mm
- 1979
- Spindle Size: 32mm
- number of spindles: 6- maxi diameter round bar: 32 [mm]
- maxi diameter square bar: 22 [mm]
- maxi diameter hexagonal bar: 27 [mm]
- number of spindle speeds: 49
- spindles speed: 450 to 3 150 [rpm]
- motor spindle: 18,5 [kW]
- working stroke longitudinal slide: 80 [mm]
- working stroke cross slide: 33 [mm]
- maxi feed: 125 [mm]
- dimensions: 6500 x 3850 x 1510 [mm]
- weight: 8 300 [kg]
Schutte SF32
Age 1979
Original Schutte pickup attachment
Standard slides and toolholders
Pietro Cucchi PB40 magazine
barloader age 1998 for 12’ long bars
Machine just out of production and
dismantled for transport