I want to sell a machine like this
- CNC Machine
- Daewoo Doosan
- Puma 200B
- Lathe - CNC
- 2"
- 1999
- Spindle Size: 2.05"
- Gantry Load:
Swing Over Bed 18.11"Swing Over Saddle 13.78"
Recom. Machining Dia. 8.27"
Max. Machinining Dia. 11.02"
Max. Work Length 11.81"
Draw Tube Dia. 2.05"
X-Axis Travel 6.3"
Z-Axis Travel 13.00"
Spindle Speed Range 40 - 4,000 RPM
Spindle Nose A2-6
Spindle Bore 2.44"
No. of Tool Stations 10
Rapid Traverse X: 787IPM / Z: 944 IPM
Spindle Motor 10 HP
Machine Size 63" x 62" x 61"
Weight 7,000 lbs.
Fanuc 21-T*8" Chuck*Tool Presetter*Automatic Gantry Load/Offloader*Remote Pulse Generator*Chip Conveyor