Sold!Buy one like this
I want to sell a machine like this
- Automatic
- Conomatic
- VNA 8
- Multi Spindle Bar
- 1-5/8"
- 1970
- Spindle Size: 1 5/8"
Height 86"Length 142"
Weight 21,300 Lbs
Width 72.5"
Cross Slide Travel 2 5/8"
Fifth Pos Slide Travel 1 1/8"
Main End Slide Travel 6"
Main Motor 40 Horsepower
Spindle Speeds 205-2525 RPM
Stock Feedout 6"
The newer machine which is a spindle stopper I believe is a 1997. The slides were tuned up and new spindle bearings installed in 2006. The other is a 1976 with the slides tuned up and spindle bearing in 2008. Both machines are equipped the same. They have
3 speeders,
roll threading
recent Logan clutches installed,
the clutches alone were over $12K each machine. In addition we have for sale two large boxes of tooling which includes
1 pick off and back finish,
2 straddle mill attachments,
cams collets, pushers etc.