Sold!Buy one like this
I want to sell a machine like this
- CNC Swiss
- Tornos
- Sigma 20 II
- Lathe - CNC
- 20mm
- 2007
- Spindle Size: 20mm
- Live Tooling:
(2) Tornos Sigma 20 II, 6-Axis CNC Screw Machine(2008)
Equipped as follows:
LNS Turbo High Pressure Coolant System & Tank
Tornos Model SBF-532 Bar Feed System (12’)
Fanuc Series 31i-A CNC Control
Backworking / Counter spindle
Fire Suppression
Mist Collection
Machine Tooling Package
Part Conveyor
Work Light
Power: 440-480V 60 Hz
10,000 RPM Main Spiindle (integral)
Linear Tooling System Set on 2 axes (X1/Y1), 14 tool positions
S11 Motorization, 10,000 RPM to drive rotating tools on X1/Y1
10,000 RPM Backworking/Counter Spindle (integral)
Linear Tooling System Set on 2 axes (X4/Y4), 8 tool positions
(2) Tornos Sigma 20 II, 6-Axis CNC Screw Machine
Equipped as follows:
LNS Turbo High Pressure Coolant System & Tank
Tornos Model SBF-532 Bar Feed System (12’)
Fanuc Series 31i-A CNC Control
Backworking / Counter spindle
Fire Suppression
Mist Collection
Machine Tooling Package
Part Conveyor
Work Light
Power: 440-480V 60 Hz
10,000 RPM Main Spiindle (integral)
Linear Tooling System Set on 2 axes (X1/Y1), 14 tool positions
S11 Motorization, 10,000 RPM to drive rotating tools on X1/Y1
10,000 RPM Backworking/Counter Spindle (integral)
Linear Tooling System Set on 2 axes (X4/Y4), 8 tool positions