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- CNC Machine
- Gildemeister
- MSL 42/7
- Lathe - CNC
- 42mm
- 2010
- C Axis:
- Number of Axis: 7
- Live Tooling:
Axes 7Main spindle
Max. bar diameter 42mm
Max. rotational diameter 110 mm
Max. rotational speed 5000 rpm
Performance (S3 60%: 30 min / S1) 7.5/5.5kW
Counter spindle
Max. rotation diameter 42 (60) mm
Max. rotational speed 5000rpm
Performance (S3 60%: 30 min / S1) 3.7/2.2kW
Max. rapid speed of the axes (Z4) 15m/min
Max. acceleration 5 m/s2
Path X1 / X2 / X3 60 mm
Path X4 130 mm
Path Z2 80 mm
Path Z3 80 mm
Path Z4 340 mm
Nominal feed power X1 / X2 / X3 / X4 / Z2 / Z3 / Z4
Tool holder slide 1
Fixed tools 1
Tool holder slide 2
Fixed tools 1
Driven tools 1
Tool holder slide 3
Fixed tools 1
Tool holder slide 4
Fixed tools 4
Driven tools 1
Tool fitting for rear-sided machining
Fixed tools 4
Driven tools 1
Machine weight 3500lbs
Highlights MSL 42|7 C
Seven axes, up to four tools in operation simultaneously
Three NC compound slides
6×-tool turret with Direct Drive technology for maximum precision with an integrated pickup spindle, a rotating tool fitting, and four fixed tools
Three tools for rear-sided machining
Capacity for up to 14 tools
4×-tool turret for slide 3 (optional)
NC tool adjustment for compound slides 2 – 3 and turret
Hydraulic work piece clamping for the main spindle
Integrated, fast loading system for unfinished work pieces (optional), unloading system for finished work pieces