Sold!Buy one like this
I want to sell a machine like this
- Automatic
- Warner & Swasey
- 1-1/4" 6 M-3300
- Multi Spindle Bar
- 1972
Height 6' 10 1/2"Length 112
Weight 14,500 Lbs
Width 46
Bar Feed Stroke 0 - 10
Cross Slide Stroke 0-13/16
Cutoff Stroke 0 - 7/8
Idle Appr Stroke Standard 3.5"
Ind Ream Stroke 3/16 - 3 3/4"
Max Length Turn Standard 8.5"
Speed Range 255-2781 RPM
Spindle Capacity Round 1 1/4"
Spindle Capacity Sq 7/8"
Spindle Capacity Hex 1 1/16"
6 Cross Slides
Change Gears
High Pressure Coolant
Universal Threading
Upper Independent Rear Slide
Stock Reel And Stand
Splash Guards
Drill Holders
Covers and Guards
Chip Conveyor