Sold!Buy one like this
I want to sell a machine like this
- Automatic
- Acme Gridley
- 7/16" RA6
- Multi Spindle Bar
- 6 Spindle
- 1972
Height To Top Of Motor: 5' 6"Length: 5' 3"
Weight: 4,850 Lbs.
Width: 2' 9"
Idle Time .48 or.55 w/112 Deg
Main Tool Slide Travel: 1"
Spindle Capacity Round: 7/16"
Spindle Capacity Hex: 3/8"
Spi ndle Capacity Square: 5/16"
Spindle Speeds 770-4890
Standard Horsepower 7 1/2
Stock Feed Slide Travel 1.5"
Universal threading,
pick-off with back spot facing
attachment, reaming attachment.
Chip conveyor, stock Reel and Stand
coolant pump, reservoir and piping, s
liding operator guards and oil
mist collector system.