Buy one like this
Buy one like this
I want to sell a machine like this
- Automatic
- Wickman
- 6 Spindle
- Multi Spindle Bar
- 1-3/4"
- 1979
Round mm 44.40 solid colletHexagon A/flats mm 38.50 solid collet
Square A/flats mm 31.50 solid collet
Round mm 44.40 masters
Hexagon A/flats mm 38.50 masters
Square A/flats mm 31.40 masters
Bar feed stroke: mm 12.7 to 177.8
Approach strokes: Main Tool Block and Independent Slides. 88.90mm
Feed strokes:
Main Tool Block 0. To 88.90mm
Independent Slides 0. To 88.90mm
Cross slides:
Stations 1 and 2. 0 to 31.75
Stations 3 and 6. 0 to 22.20
Stations 4 and 5 0 to 47.60 lever position A
0 to 23.80 lever position B
Spindle speed range: rpm 132-1667
Number of steps: 26
Cycle time range: 4.3-337 secs
Idle time 2 secs
Main Motor Power KW 18.5 or 22
Required Floor Space: 1467 x 3930
With stock reel 1467 x 6454
Shipping Weight 8077 kg
With universal threading,
thread chasing, IMG shave.
Electromagnetic clutch.
Very nice condition.
Running in shop.