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I want to sell a machine like this
- Automatic
- Schutte
- AF42
- Multi Spindle Bar
- 42mm
- 1995
Schutte AF42 x 8 spindle latheSerial number : Serie 10 no.04
Fully renewed electrical panel and electrics in 2009
Siemens 840D cnc control
2 cnc slides
Pickup attachment
2 spindle drilling attachment
Knoll filtration and coolant system
Santec drill force monitor
Detector tool breakage system
Chip conveyor
Pietro Cucchi BN magazine barloader
Serial number C131SGAA
Age 1995
4200mm bar length capacity and 50mm diameter capacity
Schutte AF42 x 8 spindle lathe
Serial number : Serie 10 no.04
Fully renewed electrical panel and electrics in 2009
Siemens 840D cnc control
2 cnc slides
Pickup attachment
2 spindle drilling attachment
Knoll filtration and coolant system
Santec drill force monitor
Detector tool breakage system
Chip conveyor
Pietro Cucchi BN magazine barloader
Serial number C131SGAA
Age 1995
4200mm bar length capacity and 50mm diameter capacity