Sold!Buy one like this
I want to sell a machine like this
- CNC Swiss
- Citizen
- M-32
- Lathe - CNC
- 32mm
- 2000
- C Axis:
- Sub Spindle:
- Live Tooling:
Max Machining Diameter................. 1.25"Main Spindle Speed..................... 200 - 8000 Rpm
Rotary Tool Speed...................... 250 - 5000 Rpm
Backworking Max Chucking Diameter...... 1.25"
Max Backworking Length................. 5.80"
Max Drilling/Tapping................... M8
Back Spindle Speed..................... 180 - 7000 Rpm
Turret Tooling......................... 10 (20 in Half Index Mode)
Gang-Tool Tooling...................... 5 Turning 3 Rotary
Back Working Tool Post................. 3 (Plus Rear Facing Tools on Turret)
Main Spindle Drive..................... 10 Hp
Back Spindle Drive..................... 4 Hp
Approx Machine Dimensions.............. 110" X 50" X 72"
Approx Machine Weight.................. 6000 Lbs
Boss542 Cnc Swiss Action Barfeed
Full C-Axis Front and Back Spindles
Large Assortment of Tooling - List Available Upon Reqeust
** in Plant, Under Power, Available for Immediate
Inspection & Purchase