Sold!Buy one like this
I want to sell a machine like this
- Automatic
- Acme Gridley
- 2-5/8" RB8
- Multi Spindle Bar
- 8 Spindle
SPECIFICATIONS:Maximum Stock Capacity Standard Collet - Round 2-5/8"
- Square 1-27/32"
- Hexagon 2-17/64"
Stock Capacity - Maximum 2-5/8"
Stock Feed Length - Maximum 7"
Turning Length - Maximum 8"
Spindle Speed Range 137 - 982 RPM
Motor Horsepower 40 HP
Approximate Idle Time in Seconds 2.9 Seconds
Approximate Weight 33,800 Lbs.
Approximate Shipping Size, Less Reel
13'2" x 4'8" x 8'
Tool Slide Lift .0003
Two Machines rebuilt by Doverspike
Run for 6 months in Production
with oil coolant then Stored.
Air Pick off and back finish
Winters Burnishing
Universal Conveyor
Shelf Slide Position 3
Also two mid 70's machines